Jun 29, 2010

Free Audiobooks

Now until July 2, 2010. is offering one free download and there are 46 books to choose from and it is free. I did it and download Winnie the Pooh for the kids in the car or to listen to at home. There is no catch, just make a username and password.... no credit card info!

***This is only good for new members, sorry current members. But you can have your spouse sign up***

Jun 28, 2010

Sneak Peek Time

click the pic to send you to the BOGO sale
We are on a tighter budge here for a little while, so my grocery store spending will be smaller. I'm going to only get what we need and if it's really cheap or free.

Jun 26, 2010


There has been a recall on several Kellogg's brand cereals. Thankfully the company recalled this on their own and is providing a product replacement coupon. Like some of you, I took advantage of the great BOGO sales for those cereals. So please go to the site to check your cereal out with the ones they are recalling.

Jun 25, 2010

My Weekly Shopping Trip

This is how much I saved...
  • Tuesday- due to the fact I was out of town I didn't go to the sale last week. I bought 6 boxes of Eggos and 3 cartons of blueberries. I spent $2.89 and saved $23.21
  • Wednesday- I had 4 transactions, because I wanted 4 penny items (apple juice). My totals were spent $37.16 and saved $84.52. I forgot about to coupons, so I went to customer service before I left and got back $4.
  • Extra Savings- I had 2 Publix gift cards $10 each.
So my true spent and savings for this week is...
  • spent- $16. 05
  • saved- $131.73

YAB- Sneak Peek

(click on the pic to see the full ad)
The ad looks like it is going to be good. The sale starts tomorrow, 6-26, and will run through 7-16. The coupons are up now, and she said she'll have the rest of the ad up soon.

Jun 22, 2010

I've been on vaction...... Sorry

I've taken a little break, but I'm back.....
For the first week of June I was getting my family ready for the beach and last week I was at the beach. There has been a lot going on in the coupon world since I've been gone.
new sneak peek (click pic)
My family doesn't a whole lot, but I'm excited about the free blueberries and the cheap blackberries. If you are able to print them out, stock up.... coupon exp tomorrow (6/23/10). There are also so other great deals IHP has found.
Advantage Buy Fliers
Both yellow (food) and green (heath & beauty) exp this week: yellow- 6/25 & green- 6/26. So we should be getting notices soon from IHP what the new fliers are. Always take advantage of great deals. *** My hint on how to use them*** Get an extra on to use as a keep(refer to) copy. Go through it when it comes out to, circle items you may want and write a Q next to items you know you have coupons for. That way you can stretch out the sale and get each item you need/want for your family. I generally buy a few items each week from this list so that I don't have a big bill for those items.
I hope this is helpful to you all, and I promise to do better.

Jun 2, 2010

YAB- Sneak Peek

YAB (Yellow Advantage Buy) Flier
There looks like quite a bit of stuff in this flier. IHP has the store coupons up and will get the rest up later. It is always nice to have a new flier to look through and stock on items. Click on the pic and it will send you straight to the ad. This ad will start June 5 and will run until June 25.