Mar 17, 2010

My Shopping Trip for the Week

I got to the store later than usual, but that okay I was watching a good friend's son. I had some big savings coupons and several manf/store coupon combs on BOGOs and sale items so I figured I would okay this week. I got two penny items so that means two transactions. My first transaction I spent $25.77 and saved $100.94 and my second transaction I spent $80.89 and saved $113.22. To be honest that's not really true... there is a coupon for $10 off a $50 BP gas card ($10 free gas) if you spend $25 or more in groceries. Around here I don't count that in grocery bill money, because it will be used for gas. So my true total spending is $66.66 and my true total savings $204.16. Wow, that's a lot here at my house. I got a lot of really cool deals so check "My Real Cool Deals" page to see them. I had more time to prepare for this trip, thank goodness because I didn't feel well yesterday. I hope next's is even better than this weeks.